Time flies when your life is busy....I'm pretty sure that's the saying anyway. Apologies for the lack of posts; since I last wrote I've finished my first grad school finals week, flew home for three weeks, thought I was getting evicted from my duplex in Utah, lost a roommate, celebrated multiple Christmases plus New Years, flew back to Utah, celebrated my birthday, and went skiing for the first time in 15 years. Oh and my laptop got a virus in the middle of all that and my amazing (and handy computer tech-y) boyfriend fixed it and upgraded all my systems and programs. FO FREE. Yeeeeep I love him lots. But PHEW just typing up all that I've done makes me tired!
Anyway, since discovering I wasn't being evicted (long story), I've had a huge urge to make my house more of a home. I mean, when I moved in I did a lot in those regards too but the design has kind of stagnated since I've been busy with school so it's feeling a little worn down. With the new year comes a new desire to be artsy craftsy in making my home unique...which of course means DIY. Here are my inspirations for the projects I'm thinking about:

For Christmas I got myself the cutest little coffee table, but it needs a good paint job and some added pizazz to the top...I'm thinking cool wrapping paper under a glass top?
And actually, that coffee table is too small for our current setup (I know, wooooonnnnt-whaaaa) so we're continuing to use the stereotypical Lack coffee table in black that was left by a former roommate (thanks, Matt!). I'm so over the look of that table though so I'm thinking that I'll add some corbels from the Home Depot like above.....
....and do some cool painting on the top to make it even more unique.
I also have a large canvas that's begging to be painted. I like the idea of painting the whole canvas in swooping, overlapping colors, then coming back with a solid on top to make the background into outlines of some sort...does that make sense? Like the photo above?
Our kitchen chairs are borrowed from a friend and while I appreciate the loan, they are just toooooo big for the table I painstakingly painted and refuse to replace haha...so I'm thinking I need to run down to the local thrift stores, pick up a couple mismatched chairs, and unify them all in one color.
I've also had tissue paper hanging around the house for forever, with the explicit goal of making pom poms like above. Now it's actually time to do it!
Love this army cot-cum-coffee table, but what I'm actually after is the trays made by covering cooking sheets in contact paper. Genius!
This pic reminds me that I don't even need fancy chairs for the kitchen table--I can just paint regular old folding chairs in a pretty, bright hue, probably turquoise to match our open-plan living room.
Last but not least, a while ago I painted a long skinny canvas with a map of Chile (where I studied abroad for a semester). The colors don't work into my current design scheme so I'm planning on repainting it, making it look kind of watercolor-y like this one I found on Etsy.
So there you have it! I'll be a busy bee with all these projects. What are you guys working on?